I woke this morning in the beautiful city of Prague, after spending a few days away to celebrate my 44th birthday…
I’ve had the most magnificent time, and time is the keyword today…
I received a message today, sharing with me the sad news of an old friend passing away, he died of a brain tumour, and nothing could be done.
We hung around in the same circles back in our younger days, I didn’t even know he was unwell.
As I sit this morning, looking at the astronomical clock of Prague which originates from 1410 making it the 3rd oldest clock in the world, and the oldest still in operation.
I’m thinking about how time is just so valuable.
BUT more importantly, time and how we spend it is more important.

The thoughts of the future, the things we want to accomplish, the places we want to see, are so powerful, they create a compelling picture that gives us the energy to overcome & keep moving…
I’ve also learned that the future, mustn’t be in jeopardy of enjoying today.
Today really is all we have, with the hope tomorrow will arrive.
One minute we are just a bunch of kids kicking a football around, laughing, joking, mocking, and just loving the moment.
The next we are deep into life, with challenges, trials & tribulations, with all those dreams and aspirations being pushed to one side.
My mantra today is stronger than ever, to make those ambitions a reality, to not allow the hardships which sometimes land upon us to slow you down, but to use them as fuel to speed up, to laugh more, cry with joy more, to show up more, take more risks, to live a life that when my last day comes….
Wherever I have gone, whoever I have met, I’ve done all that I can leave the environment, and the people better for me being there.
I believe if we do this, we will have more good days than not, more magical moments, and deeper connections.
My old mate Wobby will be remembered forever for the moments that were created when we were just young lads growing up with no idea of life, just a passion for your mates and football…
Wherever you are today, make sure you make your TIME count….
